Sunday 9 September 2012

Day 19: This blog was intended to be my open diary for anyone who would like to follow me in my journey's into a new chapter of my life. I did mean to start it before I departed for UWC in Mostar but never got round to it, getting me there in one piece with the things I needed became more important and took over. Well, I have been in Mostar for 19 days now and what an amazing adventure it has been already! I am hoping to keep this blog up to date from now on, but first I must reflect on my travels and first few weeks here.
    Me and my co year from Britain were set to leave and at the airport at 4.00 am on Wednesday 22nd August. I had not slept at all the night before, I had had to do crosswords to stop myself from going mad with anxiety and excitement. We waved a good bye to family as we approached customs after paid the extra money for overweight luggage - 15 euros per kilo over 23kg! we made it through customs and unto our flight nice and smoothly with out complication. We arrived in Vienna  around 10.00 am local time and had to wait for our transfer at 1.00 pm. navigating Vienna airport was interesting but we found our terminal and met up with two fellow UWCers. the parental consent form which was necessary to get into BiH if you were under 18 because it is not part of the EU, should have been stamped by a notary but both me and my co year had not had time to do this, and although we had it signed by our parents after long discussions in German which luckily our fellow multi lingual students were both fluent in, it was determined that we would not be allowed into the country with out the stamp. So we had to sit back and watch the plane fly away without us, our two friends on board with a message for our school.
    We were escorted to a desk where many, many calls were made but we eventually were booked on a flight at 8.30 pm. having to wait in an airport which you don't know very well for 11 hours with not much to do and having had no sleep is not the best way to spend your first day leaving home but somehow we did - despite loosing some luggage and then finding it had been put on the plane again and other hiccups like that. We were then driven from Sarajevo to Mostar by taxi with three co years from Israel and one from Russia. We arrived at the residences at 12.30 am and i was greeted and hugged so much, i still can't remember by who and eventually I slept my first warm summer's night in Mostar.

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