Friday 12 October 2012

Day 53: It appears that my attempts to keep a regular blog have failed somewhat; I am very sorry to have let myself and others down but I am glad to say that now my mid term exams are over I can again document my time here in Mostar.
   Well, the last few weeks have been excitingly eventful. I have had moments of extreme lows when the only thing that presented itself to me to do was sit on my bed and cry, but to balance that I have had times where the only thing I could possibly do to express my utter joy was dance all over the residence smiling uncontrollably at my bemused friends. The source of some of the unhappy spells I faced was partially the stress from organising project week. As part of the IB, and particularly in UWC, project week is an important time to develop yourself by doing a project of some kind, usually involving travelling. The project which I wanted to go on was a trip to Srebrenica, a city which was massively affected by the war, and helping the community there by building houses. Unfortunately there were some complications and too many people so I did not managed to go on the trip. Instead for my project week I will be staying in Moster and working with an NGO who wants to raise awareness human trafficking  We will be creating a performance and showing it on the streets of Mostar on Thursday.
   The causes of my happiness are numerous. I have been witness to some beautiful French films which were inspiring, laughed so hard with friends that my stomach has hurt, been academically challenged so that my mind is whirling, found a genius "charity" shop where i found some lovely jeans for just 7KM! And so many other tiny things that i couldn't possibly write them all, and i would not do them justice anyway.
    So, I will again strive to keep my blog updated with the fascinating things that are constantly going on around me, i only hope i can convey them with at least some of the impact they have here.

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